One Year Later….
My last post, back in June, was the start of my final chemo treatment. And I promised I would write more about my progress, but for the same reasons I noted in that post, I really hadn’t been able to… Continue Reading
My last post, back in June, was the start of my final chemo treatment. And I promised I would write more about my progress, but for the same reasons I noted in that post, I really hadn’t been able to… Continue Reading
Remember when I used to write here and update my blog often?? Yeah, me neither. It’s not that I haven’t wanted to. To be honest, this second phase of chemotherapy has been pretty brutal. To recap, after my “one month… Continue Reading
My goal with this post is two fold…. One, a bit of an update on my treatments, and just some info on how I’m was dealing with the “recovery period” from the radiation. And two…. totally getting this song stuck… Continue Reading
Friday March 20th was my last radiation treatment. I’m not sure it was bitter sweet, in that I’m really glad it was over, but the Radiation Technicians that took care of me (and that’s exactly what they did) were just… Continue Reading
Last week, on Wednesday February 25th, was my 18th radiation treatment, which, if you’re keeping score at home, was the halfway point of my radiation treatments. Which is pretty great, if you ask me!! I was also supposed to have… Continue Reading
First off, an update on my progress: I can now fully breathe through my nose, something I haven’t been able to do in months. Which means that my tumour has shrunk significantly. I have an MRI scheduled for next week… Continue Reading